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/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * *  Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Willow Garage, Inc. *  All rights reserved. * *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions *  are met: * *   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. *   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above *     copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following *     disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided *     with the distribution. *   * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its *     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived *     from this software without specific prior written permission. * *  THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *  "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT *  LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS *  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE *  COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, *  INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, *  BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; *  LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER *  CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT *  LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN *  ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE *  POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * *//* * Author: Paul Bovbel */#include 
namespace pointcloud_to_laserscan{ PointCloudToLaserScanNodelet::PointCloudToLaserScanNodelet(){ }void PointCloudToLaserScanNodelet::onInit(){ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(connect_mutex_); private_nh_ = getPrivateNodeHandle(); private_nh_.param
("target_frame", target_frame_, ""); private_nh_.param
("transform_tolerance", tolerance_, 0.01); private_nh_.param
("min_height", min_height_, std::numeric_limits
::min()); private_nh_.param
("max_height", max_height_, std::numeric_limits
::max()); private_nh_.param
("angle_min", angle_min_, -M_PI); private_nh_.param
("angle_max", angle_max_, M_PI); private_nh_.param
("angle_increment", angle_increment_, M_PI / 180.0); private_nh_.param
("scan_time", scan_time_, 1.0 / 30.0); private_nh_.param
("range_min", range_min_, 0.0); private_nh_.param
("range_max", range_max_, std::numeric_limits
::max()); private_nh_.param
("inf_epsilon", inf_epsilon_, 1.0); int concurrency_level; private_nh_.param
("concurrency_level", concurrency_level, 1); private_nh_.param
("use_inf", use_inf_, true); // Check if explicitly single threaded, otherwise, let nodelet manager dictate thread pool size if (concurrency_level == 1) { nh_ = getNodeHandle(); } else { nh_ = getMTNodeHandle(); } // Only queue one pointcloud per running thread if (concurrency_level > 0) { input_queue_size_ = concurrency_level; } else { input_queue_size_ = boost::thread::hardware_concurrency(); } // if pointcloud target frame specified, we need to filter by transform availability if (!target_frame_.empty()) { tf2_.reset(new tf2_ros::Buffer()); tf2_listener_.reset(new tf2_ros::TransformListener(*tf2_)); message_filter_.reset(new MessageFilter(sub_, *tf2_, target_frame_, input_queue_size_, nh_)); message_filter_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&PointCloudToLaserScanNodelet::cloudCb, this, _1)); message_filter_->registerFailureCallback(boost::bind(&PointCloudToLaserScanNodelet::failureCb, this, _1, _2)); } else // otherwise setup direct subscription { sub_.registerCallback(boost::bind(&PointCloudToLaserScanNodelet::cloudCb, this, _1)); } pub_ = nh_.advertise
("scan", 10, boost::bind(&PointCloudToLaserScanNodelet::connectCb, this), boost::bind(&PointCloudToLaserScanNodelet::disconnectCb, this));}void PointCloudToLaserScanNodelet::connectCb(){ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(connect_mutex_); if (pub_.getNumSubscribers() > 0 && sub_.getSubscriber().getNumPublishers() == 0) { NODELET_INFO("Got a subscriber to scan, starting subscriber to pointcloud"); sub_.subscribe(nh_, "cloud_in", input_queue_size_); }}void PointCloudToLaserScanNodelet::disconnectCb(){ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(connect_mutex_); if (pub_.getNumSubscribers() == 0) { NODELET_INFO("No subscibers to scan, shutting down subscriber to pointcloud"); sub_.unsubscribe(); }}void PointCloudToLaserScanNodelet::failureCb(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& cloud_msg, tf2_ros::filter_failure_reasons::FilterFailureReason reason){ NODELET_WARN_STREAM_THROTTLE(1.0, "Can't transform pointcloud from frame " << cloud_msg->header.frame_id << " to " << message_filter_->getTargetFramesString() << " at time " << cloud_msg->header.stamp << ", reason: " << reason);}void PointCloudToLaserScanNodelet::cloudCb(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& cloud_msg){ // build laserscan output sensor_msgs::LaserScan output; output.header = cloud_msg->header; if (!target_frame_.empty()) { output.header.frame_id = target_frame_; } output.angle_min = angle_min_; output.angle_max = angle_max_; output.angle_increment = angle_increment_; output.time_increment = 0.0; output.scan_time = scan_time_; output.range_min = range_min_; output.range_max = range_max_; // determine amount of rays to create // uint32_t ranges_size = std::ceil((output.angle_max - output.angle_min) / output.angle_increment); uint32_t ranges_size = std::ceil((output.angle_min - output.angle_max) / output.angle_increment); // determine if laserscan rays with no obstacle data will evaluate to infinity or max_range if (use_inf_) { output.ranges.assign(ranges_size, std::numeric_limits
::infinity()); } else { output.ranges.assign(ranges_size, output.range_max + inf_epsilon_); } sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr cloud_out; sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Ptr cloud; // Transform cloud if necessary if (!(output.header.frame_id == cloud_msg->header.frame_id)) { try { cloud.reset(new sensor_msgs::PointCloud2); tf2_->transform(*cloud_msg, *cloud, target_frame_, ros::Duration(tolerance_)); cloud_out = cloud; } catch (tf2::TransformException& ex) { NODELET_ERROR_STREAM("Transform failure: " << ex.what()); return; } } else { cloud_out = cloud_msg; } // Iterate through pointcloud for (sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstIterator
iter_x(*cloud_out, "x"), iter_y(*cloud_out, "y"), iter_z(*cloud_out, "z"); iter_x != iter_x.end(); ++iter_x, ++iter_y, ++iter_z) { if (std::isnan(*iter_x) || std::isnan(*iter_y) || std::isnan(*iter_z)) { NODELET_DEBUG("rejected for nan in point(%f, %f, %f)\n", *iter_x, *iter_y, *iter_z); continue; } if (*iter_z > max_height_ || *iter_z < min_height_) { NODELET_DEBUG("rejected for height %f not in range (%f, %f)\n", *iter_z, min_height_, max_height_); continue; } double range = hypot(*iter_x, *iter_y); if (range < range_min_) { NODELET_DEBUG("rejected for range %f below minimum value %f. Point: (%f, %f, %f)", range, range_min_, *iter_x, *iter_y, *iter_z); continue; } if (range > range_max_) { NODELET_DEBUG("rejected for range %f above maximum value %f. Point: (%f, %f, %f)", range, range_max_, *iter_x, *iter_y, *iter_z); continue; } double angle = atan2(*iter_y, *iter_x);// if (angle < output.angle_min || angle > output.angle_max)// { // NODELET_DEBUG("rejected for angle %f not in range (%f, %f)\n", angle, output.angle_min, output.angle_max);// continue;// } if (angle > output.angle_min || angle < output.angle_max) { NODELET_DEBUG("rejected for angle %f not in range (%f, %f)\n", angle, output.angle_min, output.angle_max); continue; } // overwrite range at laserscan ray if new range is smaller// int index = (angle - output.angle_min) / output.angle_increment; int index = (output.angle_min - angle) / output.angle_increment; if (range < output.ranges[index]) { output.ranges[index] = range; } } pub_.publish(output);}} // namespace pointcloud_to_laserscanPLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(pointcloud_to_laserscan::PointCloudToLaserScanNodelet, nodelet::Nodelet)

